At Purdie Pascoe, we believe in Community Spirit
These are uncertain times for all of us and the challenges to our industry are many and daunting, but sometimes a crisis brings opportunities for innovation.
Social distancing has caused us, as an industry, to change our ways of working and assess how we can continue to deliver essential insights to our businesses. Market research online communities (MROCs) allow us to continue to connect with your customers and deliver the insights you need at this time. Furthermore, they encourage agile thinking and customer-centricity because the focus of your discussion can evolve as the research progresses, based on what is important to your customers. We can uncover new and unexpected insights, following up new lines of enquiry and through participant-to-participant interaction. These insights unlock a deeper understanding of what is needed to be successful in the future, and this knowledge will enable you to make better decisions more quickly.
For many of us, an online community is a forum likely to last for months that can be consulted on an ongoing basis. MROCs can certainly be used in this way, but they can also be set up for more focused tasks, lasting just 3-5 days. They provide an excellent environment for co-creation, using impactful multimedia tools such as video diaries and a rich variety of projective techniques (picture collages, personification, role play, etc). This makes them a great tool to understand the patient journey or to give a holistic understanding of the unmet needs in a market.
The benefits of online communities are also in how information is delivered. You and your colleagues are free to log into a community to learn from the online discussion in real-time. Multimedia contribution from respondents allow us to develop impactful, engaging deliverables that last long in the memory.
And let’s not forget community spirit. Our online communities provide your customers with the perfect opportunity to connect with other individuals who have a common interest, to share their experiences and support each other in an engaging and meaningful way. Never has community spirit been more important.
At Purdie Pascoe, we are combining our experience of your markets with innovative approaches, such as online communities, to help you keep the communication lines open with your customers and keep the insights coming in the age of COVID-19.
For more information, please contact Stephen Potts, Director at Purdie Pascoe, at